Vos formateurs

Giovanna Bassu

Dr Giovanna Bassu


Associate Chief in the Laboratory of Andrology - Brugmann University Hospital, (Jette) – Brussels public hospital network IRIS - Free University of Brussels

Veterinary practice : Consultant in referential cases of small animal reproduction


December 2013 Sassari, Italy

PhD program in the University of Sassary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

November 2005 Given in Ghent, Belgium

Diplomate of the European College of Animal reproduction.

October 2001 - September 2004 Veterinary College of Alfort, France

Residency in small animal reproduction 

October 1999 - 2000 University of Liège, Belgium

Internship in farm animals 

30 September 1999 University of Sassari, Italy

Veterinary Medicine degree 

Thesis “Circadian variation in plasma concentrations of melatonine in male Beagle dogs”

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